C-arm and fluoroscopy tables feature a carbon fiber top that provides an expanded imaging area compared to typical surgical tables. Carbon fiber is lightweight and durable, and provides clinicians with the radiolucent surface needed for full imaging procedures.
Diagnostic radiology is becoming part of the new standard of care as a non-invasive way to diagnose and treat a variety of patients. As an alternative to costly exploratory surgery, more clinicians are opting to outfit their facilities with new diagnostic imaging equipment including C-arms and fluoroscopy tables.If your facility is considering new imaging procedures, preemptively purchasing a fluoroscopy table, also known as an imaging table or a C-arm table.
Radiolucent Carbon Fiber Tabletop
C-arm and fluoroscopy tables feature a carbon fiber top that provides an expanded imaging area compared to typical surgical tables. Carbon fiber is lightweight and durable, and provides clinicians with the radiolucent surface needed for full imaging procedures. Imaging tables with carbon fiber tops allow clinicians to get high-quality, clear images at lower x-ray doses. Fluoroscopy tables usually come with thinner table pads that are also radiolucent.
Precise Table Movements
Table articulation is particularly important when it comes to selecting an imaging table, because the table you choose works in tandem with a C-arm or fluoroscopy machine. For this reason, imaging tables often feature more robust articulation capabilities than traditional surgical tables. Precise movements help clinicians to align the patient properly with the C-arm.
Floating Top Table
Some advanced imaging tables also feature “floating top” movements, or multi-directional positioning. Tables with floating top capabilities usually feature a joystick-like controller that allows clinicians to move the table laterally or in a diagonal lateral direction.